ICTP at a glance



International Center for Teaching Persian to Non-Persian Speakers began its activities on January 2015 with the aim of developing and compiling Persian language education resources, required hardware and software, creating infrastructure for admittance of non-Persian speaker students of Persian language, and hiring Persian tutors. The center achieved the official issue of permit from the Ministry of Science in October 2016. Due to the fact that Persian language education to non-Persian speakers is interdisciplinary, this center has made an effort to include all capacities and expertise regarding Persian language education, and has avoided one dimensional approach to the matter. Thus, the educational and research activities of this center is the result of collaboration among experts of second\foreign language education, Persian language education to non-Persian speakers, linguistic experts, and Persian literature. In addition, since the required infrastructure, experience, and expertise are available, the center announced capability of online Persian language education as of January 2016. It is worthy of note that online courses are held for both men and women, while class courses are for women only.