To support women's education; Alzahra University Grants Scholarship for Graduates of Sayed Al-Shuhada Girls' School in Afghanistan

To support women's education; Alzahra University Grants Scholarship for Graduates of Sayed Al-Shuhada Girls' School in Afghanistan

To support women's education; Alzahra University Grants Scholarship for Graduates of Sayed Al-Shuhada Girls' School in Afghanistan

To promote the status of women and support the education of Afghan girls, Alzahra University approved a plan to allocate 25 scholarships for girls in all fields and five special scholarships in Mathematics named after Maryam Mirzakhani to elite students graduating from Sayed Al-Shuhada Girls' School in Afghanistan.

The board members approved the plan of Alzahra University following the bloody explosion of Sayed Al-Shuhada Girls' High School in Kabul, Afghanistan, to fulfill the university's vision and mission to train educated, capable and influential women and promote the status of women, especially Afghan Muslim women. Twenty-five scholarships called "Scholarships for Educated Women" for girls graduating from that school in all fields available at Alzahra University and five other special scholarships called "Maryam Mirzakhani Scholarship" are allocated to applicants to study mathematics.

This humanitarian action was held at the University International Cooperation Policy Council, which was attended by Dr. Mojtaba Sedighi, Deputy Minister and Head of the Student Affairs Organization, and Dr. Afshin Akhoondzadeh, Director General of Non-Iranian Student Affairs of the Student Affairs Organization of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. Dr. Sedighi, while supporting this initiative and humanitarian vision of Alzahra University, announced that for this purpose, 25 scholarships would be provided to the university through the Ministry of Education. Thus, 50 scholarships have been allocated to students and graduates of Sayed Al-Shuhada School in Kabul for undergraduate and graduate students in all fields of Alzahra University and 5 Maryam Mirzakhani scholarships for studying mathematics at this university.

More details and information about the conditions for receiving this scholarship will be announced later.

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