International Workshop on “University Ranking” will be held at Alzahra University

International Workshop on “University Ranking” will be held at Alzahra University

International Workshop on “University Ranking” will be held at Alzahra University


On the demand of International Scientific Cooperation of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT), the Second International Workshop on University Ranking will be held virtually at Alzahra University on July 6th and 7th 2021. In this workshop which will be held in two days, Mr. Phill Baty, Chief Knowledge Officer at Times Higher Education (THE) and Dr. Ashwin Fernandes, Regional Director of Middle East, North Africa and South Asia at Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) will introduce International University Ranking Institutions. From Alzahra University, Dr. Azadeh Maddahi, Head of Performance Assessment and Monitoring Center and Dr. Afsaneh Tavassoli, Director of Research will also deliver speeches on the University's experience.

The first Workshop on University Ranking was held in January 2021 at Babol Noshirvani University of Technology in limited numbers. From Babol University, Dr. Mostafa Rahimnejad and his colleagues are also invited to deliver speech in the second workshop.

International Relations Experts from all universities of Iran and cooperative international universities are welcomed to participate and each will receive a certificate of attendance by MSRT and Alzahra University. Registration and notices are being done by International Scientific Cooperation of MSRT.





 About Mr. Phil Bathy

About Ashwin Fernandes

About Mostafa Rahimnejad



About Nader Ale ebrahim





Time Table


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lamia muhammed
I wish to attend online
פורסם ב-۱۴۰۰/۰۴/۱۲ ۱۴:۰۶.
sheeba pakkan
Happy to listen to the talk and discussions
פורסם ב-۱۴۰۰/۰۴/۳ ۰۷:۴۴.

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