Unveiling of the book Collection of costume design works with the approach of community and business clothes in Alzahra University

Unveiling of the book Collection of costume design works with the approach of community and business clothes in Alzahra University

Unveiling of the book Collection of costume design works with the approach of community and business clothes in Alzahra University

The unveiling of the book of clothing design works with the approach of community clothes, jobs, and the exhibition of the mentioned works was held on December 14 in the presence of Dr. Haghbin, the president of Alzahra University, at the Art Gallery of Alzahra University.

This exhibition was held to show the ability of professors and students to present community and business clothing designs in line with the basics of Iranian-Islamic clothing.

Designing community and business clothes, creating diversity inspired by cultural manifestations and easier use in the community process, has been one of the specialized concerns in the textile and clothing design group of Alzahra University Faculty of Arts. In this exhibition and the resulting book, according to the rich culture of Iran and practical points in designing community clothes and business clothes are depicted.


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