
    Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance


    Organisms are a symbol of autonomous and self-controlled structures that emerged on the earth's surface and adapted to it without harming the earth and have experienced their presence on the earth's surface for millions of years, and therefore the most important symbol of intelligent stability on earth. Are counted. About 4 billion 620% (25) million years have passed since the life of the earth, and living beings have entered the earth's surface for more than three and a half billion years. The life we ​​know on Earth today is about 500 million years old and is a practical manifestation of the sustainable development and adaptation of living things to the conditions of the earth.

    Man, as the most destructive member of this group, has created amazing effects on the surface of the earth; Modern humans have been scattered on the continents for only 70,000 years, during which time they have wiped out large animals, especially mammals and reptiles, on land and at sea, and many plants and fungi with indescribable intensity. In a way that many of them are completely extinct or are endangered.

    It is too late to decide to protect the environment. We are not only bound by the extinction of other living beings but also by our destruction. Industrial life, prosperity, and convenience in the last two centuries have changed the face of the earth. So far, more than 2 billion barrels of oil have been extracted from the earth and burned, and the same amount is awaiting consumption, and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have risen from 3.0 percent over the past 50 years to 4.0 percent. Other gases, especially methane, have powerful greenhouse effects. Seven billion and eight hundred million people have raised and distributed about 10 billion heavy livestock worldwide, releasing two to five billion cubic meters of methane gas into the atmosphere daily, for example alone. These and many other man-made actions have fueled widespread and unconventional climate change, with temperatures as high as 70 degrees Celsius recorded in the Lut Desert for years and Antarctica experiencing 3.18 degrees Celsius in August 1400.

    We now know that we do not know how to live on earth, and in the meantime, developing and poor countries are being hit hardest. Universities and research centers must deal seriously with this serious matter and its harmful effects and save human life and many other living beings at the last moment in natural history. When we turn to green management, we are essentially talking about chlorophyll, the most valuable constituent of life after the genome, in other words, photosynthesis and plants. The absence of greens and plants on earth means the destruction of humans and other animals. The word plants are often hidden behind the word green and forgotten. If we care about sustainable development, it is necessary to pay attention to plants in particular and the ecosystem in general. The activity of all animals is tied to plants, so any one-sidedness and abstract views that are offered through the window of various sciences, such as green economics or green chemistry, and the like, must be directly related to plants and other living beings and be rooted in the concepts of life.

    While Iranians make up one percent of the world's population, it is interesting that Iranian universities have now conducted at least two percent of environmental research in some areas! However, the level of technical measures related to the environment and investment to preserve the environment and use it in people's lives seems very small and weak! Our view of the environment is very superficial and irresponsible. A review of the performance of Iranian governments and industries in recent decades shows that adequate attention to the environment is an urgent but overlooked need throughout the country. Universities should pay more attention to educating people who are aware and familiar with the life and protect the environment and be diligent in institutionalizing behavioral patterns compatible with sustainable development and environmental protection.




    In the next five years, Alzahra University will be one of the valuable models of urban life in Tehran and one of the real symbols of respect for the rights of living beings and respect for the environmental rights of citizens.


    The Green Space and Ecosystem Committee has emerged as a member of the Green Management team to be the true protector of the university ecosystem. By understanding the importance of life, this committee will model how to preserve the units and components of the environment for the university residents and the residents around the university, and the people of the city.



    The set of objectives is related to and coordinated with the university's documents and operational plans and is as follows:

    1) Protection of university living organisms (flora, fauna, and microbiota) and respect for their rights

    2) Helping the expansion of university dwellers based on the principles of environment and sustainable development

    3) Familiarize students, professors, and people with urban biological resources and their importance

    4) Offering and promoting a lifestyle based on life compatible with nature

    5) Deepen people's understanding of the environment and environmental values, especially water and soil

    6) Modeling practical measures in line with preserving the urban environment and helping to institutionalize it

    7) Teaching the principles of the environment and explaining the dangers of actions against it

    8) Introducing the ecosystems and species of Iran to the people and helping to preserve life



    More information about the committee's instructions via the link below



    Measures taken by Alzahra University regarding green space


    Alzahra University Green Management Five Year Plan


    Green management guidelines (energy consumption, materials and environmental protection)


    Instructions of the Green Management Research Committee


    Instructions of the Green Management Student Committee


    Alzahra University Investment Report to implement green management


    Alzahra University Purchasing Report to implement green management


    Green Management Committees of Alzahra University


    Research and promotion committees
    Consumption pattern correction committees
    Green Space Committee
    Energy Committee



    Environmental Fields at Alzahra University

    Plant Biology


    Energy Systems Engineering



    Student  Associations

    Nanotechnology Association

    Plant Biology Student Scientific Association

    Biotechnology Student Scientific Association

    Student Scientific Association of Microbiology

    Student Scientific Association of Stem Cells and Reconstructive Medicine