Alzahra University among the top 5 universities in Iran in the 2022 Green Metric ranking

Alzahra University among the top 5 universities in Iran in the 2022 Green Metric ranking

Alzahra University among the top 5 universities in Iran in the 2022 Green Metric ranking


According to the latest published results of the Green Metric ranking system, Alzahra University has achieved the 188th global rank among 1050 participating universities worldwide and is among the top 5 universities in the country among 45 Iranian universities participating in this ranking.

To promote sustainability in higher education, the University of Indonesia has been evaluating and ranking universities in the world based on criteria and indicators related to environmental issues in universities since 2010. The main points of interest in this rating system include: infrastructure (1500 points), energy and climate change (2100 points), waste and recycling (1800 points), water (1000 points), transportation (1800 points), and education ( 1800 points). It is worth mentioning that the 2022 Greenmetric ranking results are related to the 2021 performance of universities and institutions.


It is worth mentioning that the 2022 Greenmetric ranking results are related to the 2021 performance of universities and institutions.


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