The presence of representatives of 12 countries at the economic empowerment meeting of south indian women's union in Alzahra University

The presence of representatives of 12 countries at the economic empowerment meeting of south indian women's union in Alzahra University

The presence of representatives of 12 countries at the economic empowerment meeting of south indian women's union in Alzahra University


The arrangements made by Alzahra University with the Vice-Chancellor of Women and Family Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the members of the Women's Economic Empowerment Working Group (WGWEE) of the Southern Border of the Indian Ocean visited Alzahra University and held a meeting . With Dr. Zahra Nazem Bokaee, the president, managers and professors of Alzahra University participated in the international conference center of Alzahra University.

In the following, the meeting of Dr. Zahra Nazem Bokaee, President of Alzahra University, Dr. Khadije Karimi, International Vice President of the Presidential Office for Women and Family Affairs, Dr. Leila Tajik, Director of International Scientific Cooperation of the University, Dr. Zeinab Sadeghi, Vice President of Cultural and Social Affairs of the University, Dr. Leila Samani, Vice President of Student Affairs of the University and Dr. Farideh Talebpour, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, was held with IORA's delegation.

In her speech, she introduced Alzahra University and said: "Alzahra University, with about 60 years of scientific experience, now has more than 10 thousand students and 38 faculty members and distinguished researchers and experts in 100 educational fields at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels.

She pointed that "Educated woman, growing society", education of women experts in various fields and their members. We believe that by working together we can influence the improvement of women's situation in the region, in Asia and in the world.

She added: Currently, we are present at Alzahra University in various fields of joint projects, holding joint training courses with the presence of experts, development of the tourism industry and local handicrafts, increasing the skills and practical knowledge of women according to the needs of society, the development of arts. We are ready to cooperate with member universities and exchange knowledge and technology.


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