The position of Alzahra University in the latest Webometrics ranking results

The position of Alzahra University in the latest Webometrics ranking results

The position of Alzahra University in the latest Webometrics ranking results


In the latest Webometrics ranking results(January 2023), Alzahra University has been ranked 2702 among 31,000 global institutions, and 61 among 457 Iranian institutions.
The Webometrics ranking was started in 2004 with the aim of providing complete coverage of higher education institutions in each country, and every six months(July and January), more than 30,000 educational, research and academic institutions are ranked. It evaluates and ranks from about 200 countries around the world.
One of the importance of this ranking is to show how much attention institutions pay to internet publishing in order to promote public acceptance of society. Another topic of this ranking is the transfer of science and knowledge in order to support open access initiatives(Open Access Initiatives), as well as the efforts of universities to be more present in the virtual space(such as face-to-face space).

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