Winning a silver medal by the members of the Robotics and Mechatronics Student Association of Alzahra University

Winning a silver medal by the members of the Robotics and Mechatronics Student Association of Alzahra University

Winning a silver medal by the members of the Robotics and Mechatronics Student Association of Alzahra University


In the 13th international and specialized exhibition of inventions of the country of Kuwait (IIFME 2023), Mrs. Donya Khoobani and Maryam Fathi, members of the Robotics and Mechatronics Student Association of Alzahra University, won a silver medal. According to the public relations report of Alzahra University, this competition was held in Bahman 1401 (February 2023) with the presence of 200 inventors from 25 countries of the world under the supervision and direct support of the Emir of Kuwait, the government and the scientific club of the country of Kuwait, the International Federation of Inventors and with the support of scientific and research organizations and Centers related to inventors were held in Kuwait.

The number of visitors to this exhibition is about twenty thousand on average, and half of these visitors are experts and investors of factories and important production and scientific centers. It is worth mentioning; Mr. David Taji, senior consultant for strategy and planning of the IFIA World Federation and representative of the IFIA World Federation in Switzerland, also attended the Kuwait competitions this year and reviewed the best designs.



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